Fado is the folk music of Lisbon's rustic neighborhoods

Lisbon is the epicenter of Fado, with numerous venues throughout the city where aficionados and tourists alike can experience this intimate musical tradition. The historic Alfama district, with its narrow cobblestone streets and intimate tavernas, remains one of the best places to hear authentic Fado performances.

These performances often take place in small, dimly lit restaurants or bars known as "Fado houses" (Casas de Fado), creating an intimate atmosphere where the audience can connect deeply with the music and its emotions.

This was one of my favorite activities we did in Lisbon. The music was so beautiful it brought me to tears. As as I sat and listened, I could not help but think that my daddy Vince would have enjoyed the performance. Maybe that is why it touched me to the core. 

A famous Portuguese proverb says, "Trust the virgin and do not run away". (Fia-te na Virgem e não corras) - This encourages people to act. Because nothing happens by chance, and we cannot simply wait for something to happen without taking action.

Portugal was such a delight and I can see why people want to live there. The friendliness of the locals was heartwarming and we always felt more than welcome.

This tiny village of Dornes was such a pleasant surprise. We were pretty much the only people there except for maybe two locals. It was so peaceful!

I don't think I can choose a favorite between Porto and Lisbon. They both have their own charm and although similar, they each bring something different to the table....except for cod. They both bring a lot of cod. I never had it served so many ways before!

Surprisingly, our first meal had something I never thought I would like-breaded trout shaped like little balls. I actually thought I was eating a vegetable of some sort. I don't even like trout typically, but that was smoked and delicious!

I highly recommend you put Portugal on your list! Take the proverb to heart and "act now", because you really never know what can happen if you wait.

You could easily stay two weeks and see so much. The tile buildings and ancient churches are stunning. Most beautiful buildings I have ever seen. The village of Tomar is a must! I LOVED that place! So much to love about Portugal.

When you are ready to plan your vacation, reach out. I would love to help you. Here is my link to set up call and we can get started: https://calendly.com/storymakerstravel/vacation-phone-consult