Alaska: Bountiful Beauty

The Arizona summer sun can be brutal. Temperatures stay at a constant 100 degrees plus for at least 3 months. Most mornings I go outside, water the half-alive plants and quickly do any chores before the sun starts to scorch. I actually love summer, but as I get older and hot flashes are my new norm, summer is losing its luster.

When we moved here in 2017, I proudly proclaimed, “I will NEVER EVER EVER have to see snow or cold weather again, Yipee, Woo-Hoo, Yae!!!” Well….3 summers in and I have changed my mind. It’s like an alien took over my body and suddenly I am craving the cold. I want to be wrapped in a blanket and I want to be able to delayer when it is too hot. Can’t do that in AZ, at least not in public. Once that last layer is gone, I risk being arrested for public indecency. So, what is a gal supposed to do? Vacation of course!

Norwegian Jewel in Juneau

Norwegian Jewel in Juneau

This year we chose Alaska as our state to explore in the USA. I had actually never really thought about Alaska. I have seen pictures and I knew there was a ton of wildlife there, but that was as far as my thoughts went. After doing some research, I decided that an Alaskan cruise was the best way to go. I became fast friends with Norwegian Cruise Lines as they guided me through booking my first Alaskan cruise.


Neither Shad nor I had been on a cruise. We had no idea what to expect. Our friends Chris and Lisa joined us; they had been on one, but not to Alaska. I can honestly say this was one of the best vacations I have ever had! Never did I expect to see so much beauty! It was abundant. Literally, everywhere you looked, it was breathtaking!

We started in Anchorage, then took a shuttle bus to Seward, where we would embark from. The drive there is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. Apparently, Beluga whales live in that water. I kept hoping I would see one breech, but it did not happen. Once we arrived in Seward, we boarded our ship, the Norwegian Jewel, and started exploring. It was big, but not one of the biggest. We were able to navigate ourselves around the entire ship within hours. The employees were so friendly and helpful, any fears I had, quickly disappeared.



We sailed to the ports in Juneau, Skagway and Ketchikan. Each town was a cute throwback to the past and the days of saloons and trains. Skagway was my favorite!!! We hiked up a steep mountain to a little lake. I was on edge the entire time, worried about bears. Alaskan brown bears (think grizzly and Kodiac bears) are something to be feared. Ironically, we paid for an excursion to actually seek them out! That did not happen, but we did watch salmon spawn and I found that so fascinating. From birth to death, the life cycle of salmon was way more interesting than what I ever imagined.

It was cold but we had on many layers and special boots so we would not fall.

It was cold but we had on many layers and special boots so we would not fall.

Our favorite excursion was the helicopter tour in Juneau. I strongly recommend this to anyone! I will admit that I was scared. They seat you by weight and I was required to sit by the glass door. The entire bird was glass and I could see things below my feet. I hate theme parks and refuse to get on rides, so this was pushing me way out of my comfort zone. Last time I was on a helicopter (In Hawaii), I puked. I was hoping, and grateful, that did not happen this time. I had to just trust the pilot and eventually opened one eye.

No excuses! Burn off all the food!

No excuses! Burn off all the food!

Besides excursions, half the fun is the ship itself. I had no idea how much there is to do! Pretty much every hour has something for everyone. I like routine so I hit up the full size gym and eucalyptus steam room every day. Running on the treadmill while staring out at the sea (hoping to see whales), is so much more fun than running in the heat avoiding rattlesnakes.

The Jewel is 14 years old but was extensively refurbished in 2018. I found it to be very clean with a friendly staff. Compared to some of the newer ships, such as the Bliss, it did not have activities such as a racetrack or mini golf, but do you really need that for an Alaskan cruise?

Each night they leave a pamphlet on the cabin door for the next day activities. They offered everything from game shows to Broadway style shows. There was a library (yae!) and game/card room, and I read that they had daily activities for kids. I did see brave people (primarily kids) in the heated pool and hot tub. I am too spoiled by the sun. As fun as it looked, I was not about to get it in it.

Finally, I saved the best for last. We sailed through an area called Tracy Arm Fjord. Apparently, they had not sailed there in 3 years. The announcer said he was so excited because in his opinion this was the most magnificent scenery we will every see. This was actually unplanned, but we had to change routes. And this is where I cried. I am tearing up as I write this because it was so beautiful! The entire ship was silent and just staring in awe at how glorious it all was.. Words can not describe that kind of beauty. It truly is a slice of heaven on earth.


The water was so blue! Icebergs floated by and we could see sea lions swimming by the ship. It was cold at this point with rain beating down on us, but we didn’t care. This went on for hours! Eventually, the water turned to a beautiful green and we were surrounded by mountains that had HUNDREDS of huge waterfalls! This seemed to go on for days. It is the most beautiful view I have ever experienced.

If Alaska is on your bucket list, go now! So many of the places can only be reached by boat or plane, so a cruise is a fantastic way to see Alaska. I have a rule that I can’t go back to the same place twice. Shad and I are already discussing on next Alaskan adventure. This time we will include a land tour. I haven’t been to all the states in the USA (yet), but I can imagine this will be the most beautiful.

Our last day was filled with orcas, sea lions, and humpback whales. We had seen a lot of eagles in Juneau. I never did get to see the northern lights or a moose, but this will still go down as my most favorite vacation! I loved that my husband and I cruised together for both our first times. I loved having Lisa and Chris with us. I learned that I love cruising and can not wait to take another one! Alaskan cruises are the most popular and book out far in advance. When you are ready, I would love to help you make this a reality. Let’s go!