Traveling in a COVID-19 world.

Hi everyone!

I have not blogged in a long time. Not that I did not want to. If you follow me on Facebook then you know I love to “talk”. But after the world shut down in March, I was super busy cancelling all the vacations my client’s had booked. Plus, everything was changing on a daily basis and it was hard to keep up with it all. But, now it is time to focus on the positive; WE WILL TRAVEL AGAIN! Yae! It may not be as soon as we like, but the world is slowly opening up. I wanted to share with you some tidbits of changes you may see if you have a trip planned soon.

  1. Masks required by staff and quite possibly you.

  2. Hand sanitizer stations everywhere. Might be a good stock to buy!

  3. Plexiglass partitions between you and the person at the counter. No spitting, please!

  4. Reduced capacity at hotels, restaurants, airlines and cruises.

  5. Enhanced cleaning protocols, including foggers and electrostatic machines.

  6. Touch-less temperature checks and digital menus, checkins and much more.

This is not a complete list, but it is a good indicator of what to expect. Remember, we are all in this together. It is a learning experience, so please be kind and compassionate to the employees of wherever you are. They do not make the rules but they do have to follow them. It is for everyone’s safety. None of this is fun, but if we want to travel again, like we used to, then we have to suck it up and do what we are asked. Personally, if I could get on a plane right now and go to Europe, I would wrap myself in masks and saran wrap if they asked me to. I am so ready to hear, “ladies and gentlemen, this is you pilot speaking’!

Meanwhile, you can take a virtual trip to just about anywhere in the world, right from your couch! Just google “virtual vacations” and find one you enjoy. I hope it helps you get out of your “I can’t travel funk” the way it helped me. Plus, domestic trips are the way to go this year. The USA has some amazing national parks. I took a class on it yesterday. Many of the campgrounds are closed but I can still help you with personal tours of the parks, renting hotels or VRBO, and I can even help you with RV rentals! I highly recommend Utah!

Hope to help you soon, and one day we will be able to confidently say #letsgo!

Cathedral Rock, UT

Cathedral Rock, UT