Do you need a vacation after your vacation?

Are you an over planner or do you travel and wait for the unexpected to happen? I am an over planner. I often need a vacation from my vacation when I return home. I actually consider this to be one of my character defects. Spontaneity is not part of my DNA.

As a society, we are already overworked and overstressed, why do I add to it when I am going on vacation? The point of vacating is to escape our daily stressors. But, I get severe FOMO. What if I miss some new experience, would I regret it when I get back home? This is when I wish I could live forever so I can see everything! My curious mind goes on vacation to explore, see, do, experience….I can relax, you know, some other time.

I will say that I have gotten way better at leaving free time in my schedule. But, secretly I have many ideas of what can be done during that time. I just don’t plan it. I have to remember that my husband is also with me when we travel, so it is not all about me. He has learned how I am and I have learned that we don’t need to overdo it every day.

He is much more laid back and goes with the flow, whereas my eyes pop open at 3 a.m., I take a deep breathe and I am filled with excitement about what’s to come that day. He has taught me to slow down and enjoy the moment. To really appreciate what I am looking at and not get lost in projecting the day. Because of this, my travel memories are not jumbled. I remember the moment so much better.

As this new year begins and new adventures await, I want to make a conscience effort to slow down when on vacation. Read the book I always take and rarely read. Sip my iced tea at a cute cafe instead of feeling like I need to rush to the next point. Breathe. Vacate. Enjoy the moment.