Greece as a solo female traveler vs Greece in a group: My experience

Traveling solo is not to be taken lightly, especially when you are a women. In my past I did it quite often and managed to stay safe and have wonderful experiences. I made both smart and dumb decisions, but that is how I learned how to navigate the world and be fearless when it comes to that.

In 2010 I went to Greece solo, during their financial crises and the riots that were happening in Athens. My friends were supposed to join me but got worried about safety. I distinctly remember thinking “I am going and I will just avoid the riots”….seems like common sense to me. Stay away from the fire!

I spent about nine days exploring Mykonos and Santorini. I missed Athens because my plane was late. At one point I was in my small hotel looking for something to read in English. I found a book that someone left behind, called “Girl, with the Dragon Tattoo” and set off to the beach. After tiring of the sun, I stood up and smashed my head on the umbrella. A few people chuckled, including myself. At that moment I started to feel lonely. It was fleeting until I was watching the sunset later that week.

Santorini is for sharing. It is phenomenal. Gorgeous, stunning, perfect in so many ways. Famous for its sunsets, I sat with a group of strangers and marveled at the colors in the sky. It was windy and cold and that is when it hit me: I wish I had someone to love and watch this with me. Now, I have always been independent but at that moment I wanted to be a part of something. I REALLY wanted it. I think I cried that night. I told myself that if I ever go back to Greece, I would go to Santorini again to experience it with someone.

Well, that is exactly what I did recently. Not only did I have one person I love, but I had four total. Friends I have known since I was in college or shortly after, and of course, my husband. This Greek experience was TOTALLY different. I felt like people were much more receptive and friendly. The first time I did not feel that way. I often wondered if the Greeks were unfriendly, distant or could just tell I was single and they wanted to give me my space. Perhaps, their economic crisis was weighing heavily on them so I was just another face in the crowd. Maybe it was me. I might have been giving off a vibe that made me unapproachable.

Red Sand Beach

This time, I can very much say that everyone was SO friendly! I am so happy I went back and got to be a part of it. I met a few friends last time but it was easier this time. My experience was so different this time. I ate way better (wasn’t a broke, about to be a student-again-traveler). I stayed in nicer places and had spending money. It was easier. I can see how traveling solo can be easier but I can see the other side too.

That being said, I am a huge advocate for women traveling solo. I encourage it. It made me who I am and I would do it again. But, maybe only for 4 days. I am just at a point where I like to be with my people. I am sure I have lived more than half of my life, so I prefer for the next half to be shared. I am so grateful for my solo travels, I sometimes yearn that lifestyle of packing up and going when I want, where I want and without worrying about anything. But, I also like worrying about my cats, missing my husband and looking forward to coming home after a long vacation. My home. No matter what your travel style is, just own it. As time goes on, that style can change, so embrace it and love it. Travel often.