Why You Need a Travel Agent Now More than Ever in 2024 and Beyond

How can I help you?  

Are you planning an epic vacation to see the world but are overwhelmed trying to prepare it yourself? Well, you NEED a fabulous travel agent in your corner. I am that travel agent!

I know the temptation is strong to DIY that dream trip—scour blogs, book hotels, and click around Expedia. But let me tell you, doing everything yourself is crazy hard and easy to mess up!

As a skilled travel agent, I take all the stress out of travel planning away from you. I will guide you in the right direction, design an amazing trip, and advocate for you if something goes wrong (hello, airlines….I am talking to you);  providing relief and reassurance. With my years of experience and extensive knowledge, I can craft the trip that you want. You just must show up and have fun!  

It’s in the details

Planning a trip is like assembling a giant jigsaw puzzle. You must choose appropriate flights, transfers, tours, hotels, and insurance.  Your trip can unravel if even one piece of that puzzle is wrong. Have you ever booked flights but somehow flew into the wrong city? Oops! Or did you land at the correct airport, but your hotel was in a different country? I scrutinize every piece of your customized puzzle to ensure you have a smooth vacation.

Time is precious

Look, I know you're busy! Between work, family, friends, and binging that new show, who has 40 spare hours to research dreamy destinations and craft custom itineraries? I do! It is literally what I love doing, so I built a business doing it. But, if it is not your jam, then we should talk about what you would like from working with this travel agent.

Travel planning takes massive time and mental energy. Letting a pro handle, it not only gives you your nights and weekends back but also allows you to focus on other aspects of your life. Go on, indulge in a face mask, and don't agonize over trip plans.

The time savings alone are priceless. Agents can also score deals, upgrades, and perks.

I am your advocate

I leverage my industry connections to make your vacation extra special. I have contacts worldwide and travel regularly so I can keep up with the latest advances in rules and regulations as well as trending destinations. The internet is great, but I live and breathes travel daily.

If you watch the news, then you are no stranger to headlines screaming about flight delays and cancellations. This is where you will really value me. I can hop online or make that call, to help you get to your destinations as quickly as possible. We all know how stressful it is to miss a flight and I will advocate for you.

You matter to me

You are more than just a booking to me. I want you to have a great vacation so that you create memories you can share with your family and friends. I suggest experiences tailored just for you.

I want you to feel like you are planning a vacation with a good friend, making you feel deeply valued and understood.

Travel Insurance

Booking flights, hotels, and tours requires a substantial upfront investment. But crazy things can happen once you depart. You want backup! I will suggest comprehensive travel protection to protect your investment.

Do yourself a huge favor as you look ahead - put your next adventure in the trusted hands of a travel pro. Schedule a call here to get started: