Top European Travel Strategies – Part Two

Planning your upcoming European vacation must be an exhilarating experience! The thought of exploring the magic of Europe is sure to fill you with excitement and anticipation.

The history, the culture, the food - ah, you're going to have the trip of a lifetime!

Here is an extended version of more fundamental travel strategies for Europe to ensure you're fully prepared so your travels go as smoothly as possible.

Each strategy is expanded so you have all the necessary knowledge. These strategies will set you up for an easy, affordable, delightful adventure! Let's dive in.

Hotels and Cars Are Petite

When booking rooms and vehicles, you must understand that European hotels and rental cars have unique charms. They are generally smaller than you're accustomed to in the states, offering a more 'cozy' experience. Many hotels are housed in historic buildings with compact rooms, reflecting Europe's rich cultural heritage. Space is at a premium in ancient cities. But you'll adapt quickly. You will be too busy enjoying the sites.

Rental cars are smaller for the same reasons. Gasoline is expensive in Europe, so vehicles are engineered to be fuel efficient, not enormous. Plus, old city roads were built for horses and carriages—not exactly two-lane highways! You'll likely have to navigate narrow cobblestone lanes and tight squeezes where only one vehicle fits. Park your rental on the outskirts of historic town centers and walk from there.

But if your heart is set on driving into the ancient cities, ensure you're entirely at ease maneuvering in highly confined spaces. There are no wide turns or big mergers. And here's an essential thing to remember: most rental cars in Europe are manual transmission. Reserve an automatic vehicle well in advance, they get booked quickly! Medieval streets are stressful enough without trying to master the complex coordination of a manual gear shift.

Purchase Tickets to Top Sites in Advance

One of the critical differences in Europe is the need for advanced ticket purchases at major attractions. Unlike the United States, where we're used to simply showing up and waiting in line, this is a rookie mistake in Europe, especially during peak summer travel season! For super famous sights, you absolutely must pre-purchase entry tickets online. Otherwise, you could wait hours in line.

When we work together, I will research and reserve timed entry tickets for the top places you want to visit - at least a month in advance. Preparing ahead takes a little effort upfront but will save you endless headaches during your trip. Waiting in massive hot lines wastes precious time when you could be gazing at Michelangelo's David or sipping champagne at the Louvre instead!

Pack Medications and First Aid Supplies

While Europe has excellent hospitals, doctors, and emergency care systems, it's best to be prepared for regular aches, pains, upset stomachs, and minor injuries. Packing your over-the-counter medication supplies can save you from wasting vacation time and money dealing with small stuff. It's always better to be safe than sorry!

Pharmacies across Europe quickly fill prescriptions written by your regular doctor back home. But when it comes to over-the-counter medications, selections can differ from what you're used to in the US. In many instances, certain medications are not allowed in a country.

Use Public Transit Over Taxis

Taxis can be pricier than you may be used to back home. Instead, enjoy Europe's affordable public transit instead: trains, buses, trams, and metros crisscross cities and countries at reasonable rates. Sure, you might have to study a map and navigate strange stations. But that's part of the adventure! Immerse yourself in Europe's excellent public transportation right away. However, I always prefer to get a private transfer for my clients when they are arriving at an airport with luggage.

Occasionally, a taxi might make sense for safety at night or to manage lots of luggage. But otherwise, live like a local. Be willing to walk, ride the rails, and become a pro bus user. This is how you will experience Europe like a local.

Try Local Cuisine Specialties

The joy of visiting Europe is immersing yourself in different cultures; food is a massive part of it. You absolutely should try as many authentic dishes and regional specialties as possible! In Italy, slurp down heaping bowls of pasta Bolognese and tiramisu. In England, people pop into pubs for hearty fish and chips wrapped in newspapers. You can indulge in flaky croissants and crepes from sidewalk cafes in France.

However - a little warning. Portion sizes, especially at restaurants, are more significant in America than in Europe. So, pace yourself when faced with that giant platter of schnitzel and spaetzle!

My advice is to share dishes when eating out. Split that delicious Spanish paella or German pork roast. Drink lots of water to offset heavy sauces. Walk as much as possible between meals. And consider spa days for a pampering massage or scrub to reboot your body.

Europe is endlessly charming—you will love it. The history, the culture, the joy of discovery! It's going to be the trip of a lifetime. And even better, you can focus on the magical moments without stressing about transportation or hotels.

All this advice helps set you up for an easy, smooth, delightful adventure!