Traveling in a COVID-19 world.

Hi everyone!

I have not blogged in a long time. Not that I did not want to. If you follow me on Facebook then you know I love to “talk”. But after the world shut down in March, I was super busy cancelling all the vacations my client’s had booked. Plus, everything was changing on a daily basis and it was hard to keep up with it all. But, now it is time to focus on the positive; WE WILL TRAVEL AGAIN! Yae! It may not be as soon as we like, but the world is slowly opening up. I wanted to share with you some tidbits of changes you may see if you have a trip planned soon.

  1. Masks required by staff and quite possibly you.

  2. Hand sanitizer stations everywhere. Might be a good stock to buy!

  3. Plexiglass partitions between you and the person at the counter. No spitting, please!

  4. Reduced capacity at hotels, restaurants, airlines and cruises.

  5. Enhanced cleaning protocols, including foggers and electrostatic machines.

  6. Touch-less temperature checks and digital menus, checkins and much more.

This is not a complete list, but it is a good indicator of what to expect. Remember, we are all in this together. It is a learning experience, so please be kind and compassionate to the employees of wherever you are. They do not make the rules but they do have to follow them. It is for everyone’s safety. None of this is fun, but if we want to travel again, like we used to, then we have to suck it up and do what we are asked. Personally, if I could get on a plane right now and go to Europe, I would wrap myself in masks and saran wrap if they asked me to. I am so ready to hear, “ladies and gentlemen, this is you pilot speaking’!

Meanwhile, you can take a virtual trip to just about anywhere in the world, right from your couch! Just google “virtual vacations” and find one you enjoy. I hope it helps you get out of your “I can’t travel funk” the way it helped me. Plus, domestic trips are the way to go this year. The USA has some amazing national parks. I took a class on it yesterday. Many of the campgrounds are closed but I can still help you with personal tours of the parks, renting hotels or VRBO, and I can even help you with RV rentals! I highly recommend Utah!

Hope to help you soon, and one day we will be able to confidently say #letsgo!

Cathedral Rock, UT

Cathedral Rock, UT

Ahhh....Beautiful Malaysia and the Maldives

They say beauty is in they eye of the beholder. Every person sees something and has a different perspective than another person. Last month, we took our annual vacation to Asia (again). We love Asia! We want to retire there. Asia is magical! This year we chose Malaysia and the Maldives. I dare say that most people would agree the Maldives are more beautiful, but my husband and I actually saw beauty in the stark contrast of Malaysia. We fell in love with it!

Streets of Georgetown

Streets of Georgetown

Our first few days were on the island of Penang in the city of Georgetown. Known for its street art scattered on concrete walls throughout the alleys, little ma and pop shops selling everything from trinkets to clothes and art, and the amazing food that Anthony Bourdaine (RIP) raved about. The sheer grittiness of the city mixed with new and old buildings and culture stole our hearts.


Upon arrival we hit the streets. The smells were a pungent mix of food and fresh rain. The only thing on our mind was to find a food court that we had read about. We hit the streets not knowing where we were going but our noses lead us to the right spot. Immediately my mouth started watering, I was so hungry after having plane food for the last few meals. From a tiny vendor in a shop of many, I ordered Nasi Goreng and immediately googled it to find a recipe to make at home. It was sooooo good! I am not even a rice eater, but the flavors they added were incredible! An incredible edible, ha!


A very affordable tour the next day ( I think it was total $16 for all day), took us to many Buddhist temples. including the Kek Lok Si, near Penang Hill. It was huge and so artistically hand crafted. It’s just amazing how much work goes in to building any of these temples. The views from the top were awesome, and our guide was so friendly and knowledgable. He taught us so much about the history. He even drove us around to show us real estate. This was the start of our “we should retire in Asia” conversation. The other couple on our tour was from Indonesia and did not speak any English so we just smiled a lot and enjoyed a nice lunch of chicken and rice together.


Our next stop was flying to Borneo to see the ORANGUTANS in the wild! We took a tour with Aji Expeditions and were not disappointed. He is so passionate about showing others wildlife on the river of Kota Kinabalu. We were on the boat many times during our time there. This was my favorite part of the trip. I absolutely make sure to include animals in all my travels, and was not at all disappointed in this segment. We only saw one orangutan but we watched him for a long time. He kind of just sat there in all his beauty. Proboscis monkey were abundant! They have such strange looking noses but they are used to attract mates, and we actually saw two mating. Don’t judge us for not putting the camera down, lol. At one point on the river, there was a crocodile REAL close to our boat. All I could think was that if a wave came through, and knocked us over, I was the smallest one on the boat and would be his dinner.

Listening to the elephants trumpeting in the background.

Listening to the elephants trumpeting in the background.

Sitting on the dock at sunrise and sunset was incredible! We never did see a pygmy elephant but we could hear them loud and clear in the morning! Those who know me, know elephants are my favorite, so that was such a happy moment I will forever replay in my head. We stayed in a super simple place kind of like a dormitory. The people that fed us did not speak English but they took such good care of us. We met a wonderful young French couple, a Scottish couple and an Australian family. Everyone got along so well. I love traveling for this reason! People are so relaxed and curious. It melts my heart.

From there we headed to the beautiful Maldives. I know I said we found Malaysia to be more beautiful but that was not about aesthetics; it was about culture, kindness and that third world charm that I was introduced to in the 90s. The Maldives consists of over 1100 islands. We went to two. When we arrived in Male, we were tired but our hotel, another tiny boutique place, had made a cake for Shad’s birthday. That was really cool of them. It had a salty buttery flavor. We liked it! That island was very affordable to eat.

The next day we flew to our resort. Upon arrival the golf cart picked us up and took us to the lobby. After checking in, we took the boardwalk to our overwater bungalow. Who doesn’t dream of that kind of vacation? It was everything you can imagine. We literally saw a small black tip shark as soon as our feet hit the sand, then a small stingray shortly after. Talk about amazing! It was the rainy season (more affordable to go anywhere in the rainy season), so the first few hours we stayed in and watched the storm.


Alas, the sunshine came out and we dove from our balcony into the beautiful bluish-green water. It was surprisingly not too cold. After 2 minutes, I was completely comfortable. For the next 4 days we used the stand up paddle board, snorkeled and swam. We watched amazing thunderstorms and got treated so good. The staff was always smiling. Actually, when we arrived, we were greeted with the bed being decorated with “Happy Anniversary” in palm leaves and an unique jelloish soft cake. We never did figure out the flavor, perhaps guava. Two days later, I turned 50 years old, and they again decorated the bed, gave us a very rich chocolate cake (OMG good) and a bottle of champagne to enjoy while watching the sunset.

Now, the reason we preferred Malaysia is because our travel style is go-go-go. The Maldives are very relaxed and for us, two days is fine, four was too many. Keep in mind, we are not divers. The Maldives are also the flattest place on earth, so we could not put our hiking boots on and go explore. If you want a chill vacation, that is the place for you. Stunningly beautiful water that looks like a sheet of ever changing colors of ice for miles. If you like a little of both, then I would suggest going to another country in Asia and then relaxing a few days in the Maldives at the end. If you love water sports, that is a great destination choice. We live in the desert, so mountains are more our style for longer vacations. Regardless, Asia never disappoints!

Ain’t nothing going wrong today!

Ain’t nothing going wrong today!

Unfortunately, we will not be going to Asia next year, but hopefully in 2021. We are thinking Vietnam and Cambodia. So much world, so little time. Come join us. Let’s go!

Alaska: Bountiful Beauty

The Arizona summer sun can be brutal. Temperatures stay at a constant 100 degrees plus for at least 3 months. Most mornings I go outside, water the half-alive plants and quickly do any chores before the sun starts to scorch. I actually love summer, but as I get older and hot flashes are my new norm, summer is losing its luster.

When we moved here in 2017, I proudly proclaimed, “I will NEVER EVER EVER have to see snow or cold weather again, Yipee, Woo-Hoo, Yae!!!” Well….3 summers in and I have changed my mind. It’s like an alien took over my body and suddenly I am craving the cold. I want to be wrapped in a blanket and I want to be able to delayer when it is too hot. Can’t do that in AZ, at least not in public. Once that last layer is gone, I risk being arrested for public indecency. So, what is a gal supposed to do? Vacation of course!

Norwegian Jewel in Juneau

Norwegian Jewel in Juneau

This year we chose Alaska as our state to explore in the USA. I had actually never really thought about Alaska. I have seen pictures and I knew there was a ton of wildlife there, but that was as far as my thoughts went. After doing some research, I decided that an Alaskan cruise was the best way to go. I became fast friends with Norwegian Cruise Lines as they guided me through booking my first Alaskan cruise.


Neither Shad nor I had been on a cruise. We had no idea what to expect. Our friends Chris and Lisa joined us; they had been on one, but not to Alaska. I can honestly say this was one of the best vacations I have ever had! Never did I expect to see so much beauty! It was abundant. Literally, everywhere you looked, it was breathtaking!

We started in Anchorage, then took a shuttle bus to Seward, where we would embark from. The drive there is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. Apparently, Beluga whales live in that water. I kept hoping I would see one breech, but it did not happen. Once we arrived in Seward, we boarded our ship, the Norwegian Jewel, and started exploring. It was big, but not one of the biggest. We were able to navigate ourselves around the entire ship within hours. The employees were so friendly and helpful, any fears I had, quickly disappeared.



We sailed to the ports in Juneau, Skagway and Ketchikan. Each town was a cute throwback to the past and the days of saloons and trains. Skagway was my favorite!!! We hiked up a steep mountain to a little lake. I was on edge the entire time, worried about bears. Alaskan brown bears (think grizzly and Kodiac bears) are something to be feared. Ironically, we paid for an excursion to actually seek them out! That did not happen, but we did watch salmon spawn and I found that so fascinating. From birth to death, the life cycle of salmon was way more interesting than what I ever imagined.

It was cold but we had on many layers and special boots so we would not fall.

It was cold but we had on many layers and special boots so we would not fall.

Our favorite excursion was the helicopter tour in Juneau. I strongly recommend this to anyone! I will admit that I was scared. They seat you by weight and I was required to sit by the glass door. The entire bird was glass and I could see things below my feet. I hate theme parks and refuse to get on rides, so this was pushing me way out of my comfort zone. Last time I was on a helicopter (In Hawaii), I puked. I was hoping, and grateful, that did not happen this time. I had to just trust the pilot and eventually opened one eye.

No excuses! Burn off all the food!

No excuses! Burn off all the food!

Besides excursions, half the fun is the ship itself. I had no idea how much there is to do! Pretty much every hour has something for everyone. I like routine so I hit up the full size gym and eucalyptus steam room every day. Running on the treadmill while staring out at the sea (hoping to see whales), is so much more fun than running in the heat avoiding rattlesnakes.

The Jewel is 14 years old but was extensively refurbished in 2018. I found it to be very clean with a friendly staff. Compared to some of the newer ships, such as the Bliss, it did not have activities such as a racetrack or mini golf, but do you really need that for an Alaskan cruise?

Each night they leave a pamphlet on the cabin door for the next day activities. They offered everything from game shows to Broadway style shows. There was a library (yae!) and game/card room, and I read that they had daily activities for kids. I did see brave people (primarily kids) in the heated pool and hot tub. I am too spoiled by the sun. As fun as it looked, I was not about to get it in it.

Finally, I saved the best for last. We sailed through an area called Tracy Arm Fjord. Apparently, they had not sailed there in 3 years. The announcer said he was so excited because in his opinion this was the most magnificent scenery we will every see. This was actually unplanned, but we had to change routes. And this is where I cried. I am tearing up as I write this because it was so beautiful! The entire ship was silent and just staring in awe at how glorious it all was.. Words can not describe that kind of beauty. It truly is a slice of heaven on earth.


The water was so blue! Icebergs floated by and we could see sea lions swimming by the ship. It was cold at this point with rain beating down on us, but we didn’t care. This went on for hours! Eventually, the water turned to a beautiful green and we were surrounded by mountains that had HUNDREDS of huge waterfalls! This seemed to go on for days. It is the most beautiful view I have ever experienced.

If Alaska is on your bucket list, go now! So many of the places can only be reached by boat or plane, so a cruise is a fantastic way to see Alaska. I have a rule that I can’t go back to the same place twice. Shad and I are already discussing on next Alaskan adventure. This time we will include a land tour. I haven’t been to all the states in the USA (yet), but I can imagine this will be the most beautiful.

Our last day was filled with orcas, sea lions, and humpback whales. We had seen a lot of eagles in Juneau. I never did get to see the northern lights or a moose, but this will still go down as my most favorite vacation! I loved that my husband and I cruised together for both our first times. I loved having Lisa and Chris with us. I learned that I love cruising and can not wait to take another one! Alaskan cruises are the most popular and book out far in advance. When you are ready, I would love to help you make this a reality. Let’s go!

Discovering Colorado

Discovering Colorado

Discovering Colorado from my adult eyes has been an incredible experience! If you know me, you have probably heard me say that I will not go to the same place twice. But, this section of Colorado has so much to be explored. I feel like I was at a buffet and just got a little taste of everything.

The Land of Enchantment (no passport required)

Famous yearly Balloon Fiesta

Famous yearly Balloon Fiesta

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everyone I have ever met, that has driven through New Mexico, has always told me they understand why it is called, “The Land of Enchantment”.

With over 87 mountain ranges, including the southern Rocky Mountains, sprawling throughout the fifth largest state in the United States, one can see why it earned its state motto, proudly displayed on license plates.

The unique landscape is unlike other states. Not only are there big snow capped mountains, but NM also has miles upon miles of cactus dotted desert views as well as plains similar to Texas. Because the state is nestled between Arizona and Texas, it is as if New Mexico’s magnetic energy is pulling from both states to create it’s own beauty.

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And “magnetic” is truly how many feel about this beautiful state. It is known for its healing hot springs. Indigenous and hispanic cultures are evident throughout the state and living a truly organic lifestyle is common in cities such as Santa Fe and Taos. Spiritual stories of miracles are passed down from generation to generation.

Every year in October, thousands of people flock to NM to watch in awe as the sky fills with almost 600 hot air balloons. This a fantastic opportunity for photographers. Sunsets that blanket the sky in reds, yellow, purples and oranges, are common. Pair that with the many balloons and you get a fantastic photo, like the one above. (I did not take this photo. Unfortunately, I do not know who did).

After I moved away, there were always two things that I loved about going home: green chile (we will get to that in a minute), and driving. I LOVE driving and seeing the wide open spaces. It seems to go on for days. I lived in the South for twenty years and while the trees are pretty, especially in the Fall, I love being able to see for miles at a time.

There is one section from my hometown of Clayton, on the way to the tiny town Springer, that I love to drive. It has fields of golden tall grass that blows in the wind and seems like long blonde hair, to me. I also like stopping at the old, run down gas station in Springer, by the blue bridge. I don’t know why. It is nothing special. I think because it reminds me of cheering in their gymnasium during basketball games, while in high school. We always stopped there. Purely, nostalgic. I guess it is special.

On the way to Springer, there is the tall brick cylinder shaped enclosure. Maybe it is for grain. I’ve never known. EVERY time we drove by it, my step dad would say, “If I lived in there I would die”. Us kids would ask him why he would die, and he would say, “because I wouldn’t be able to find a corner to pee in.” We would laugh and laugh. Dad jokes.

Finally, no true New Mexican can write a story without talking about GREEN CHILE. We can’t even go a few days without eating it. My state actually has five seasons: Winter, Spring, Autumn, Summer, and Chile Season. It is typically from August to September. Once chile season is on, I will see all my Facebook friends posting pictures of their large sacks of green chile, or roasting them on the grill. The best smell ever!

I notice my mutual NM friends liking or loving their photos and it feels like being at dinner with family. I get their happiness. They get mine. No one can take that away from us during chile season. Colorado tried, but they failed. We own it. They got marijuana, we got chile. Hatch chile. The best.

The best chile. Can you smell it? MMMMMM….

The best chile. Can you smell it? MMMMMM….

So many people don’t even know NM is a state. That blows my mind! Santa Fe is rich in American history. Celebrities, including Val Kilmer, Julia Roberts and Oprah Winfrey, have homes there. When I lived in the South, I was often told that I speak good English. People were generally baffled when I told them I only speak English. (I really wish I had learned Spanish, though).

I hope I taught you something about the Land of Enchantment. If you ever want to visit, reach out to me and I can put together a lovely package for you to enjoy all the beauty this state has to offer. My recommendations would be Northern NM. But, we can talk about that when we plan it. Let’s Go! You’re best stories begin here….Storymakers Travel. No passport required!

Wildlife tourism-yay or nay?

Imagination recently became my reality when I got to experience a top bucket list item of mine. Dopamine surged through my body, tears welled up in my eyes, and a smile formed so big, my wisdom teeth could be seen from afar! I’ve always known that travel has a way of changing lives; I’ve experienced it so many times, but nothing prepared me for the powerful moment that shaped who I hope to become as I grow as a person. An animal advocate. Specifically elephants.

Best day ever!

Best day ever!


As I stood in the Wildlife SOS sanctuary in Agra, India, staring at the majestic mammal, I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming love for an animal that has owned my heart for as long as I can remember. I first fell in love with elephants in kindergarten. My mom still has a mug I made for her that has my childlike elephant drawing. Hilariously enough, my artistic skills have not advanced at all; this is evident by the elephant drawing I made at my friend’s baby shower a few years ago. I may not be able to draw them but I sure know how to love them!

Unfortunately, when I was in my twenties, I did not know the torture they go through, all in the name of entertainment. I wish I could take back the day I rode and elephant in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I am happy that I have no evidence of that because my photos got swept away in my disposable camera, down a river. But, it happened, and I apologize to the elephant for my ignorance; I never meant any harm.


We humans have an insatiable desire to take photos with wildlife. Being able to be so close to animals we often only see on television, is a dream come true. But it comes with a price. Bull hooks and chains are used to “train” the elephant to be submissive. These precious souls go through months and years of abuse until they lose their fight against human cruelty. The physical scars they wear are mild in comparison to the emotional trauma they will carry for the rest of their shortened lives. Elephants are meant to be social with each other and free from the type of interaction tourism brings in the growing industry of wildlife travel.

Not all wildlife tourism is bad. In a profit-driven industry, it is important to understand that conservation is helpful and done correctly, can save animals lives. Sanctuaries around the world are fighting against the injustices that illegal poachers and owners dominate. Wildlife SOS is the only one I have been to, and I love everything they represent. We were not allowed to ride the elephants because the goal is to teach them love so they don’t live in fear anymore than they already have. We were allowed to food prep and feed them. We got to hear about their stories and all the obstacles they will try to overcome once they realize they are in a place of love, with people who respect them. It is not easy. These deeply involved caretakers dedicate their lives to rescuing them and providing top notch care by an elephant veterinarian that we had the pleasure of meeting. I wish I could be an elephant veterinarian. Some dreams are too big and I accept that. Just knowing I can educate on their behalf, brings me peace and satisfaction that I am doing the best that I know how.

Other wildlife are also at risk for the same unthinkable cruelties. Did you know that when you see a cute baby lion cub on the side of a street, “posing” for tourist pictures, that the lion is drugged? For the longest time, I did not know that. It hurts. This is a subject I am learning about and even though I would love to write journals about it, I am just a student hoping to change someone’s mind who many not know, just like I didn’t. We are going to Morocco next year, and I see so many pictures of people on camels. I have no idea if that is considered cruel. I will learn though, and I will not contribute to it, if it is. That is a promise.

My goal for this article is to educate. I didn’t want to make the whole story negative because my experience as an educated tourist, was so positive. It is important to know that it is not normal for wildlife to be interacting with humans to the extent that we see it. Finally, circuses are catching on and starting to ban certain animal acts. This should have been done many years ago, but alas, all we can do is educate, educate, educate. Do your research. Don’t support animal cruelty. There are so many organizations that help wildlife; choose those for your tourist adventure. Your heart will fill so full, knowing you did the right thing.

I like big butts and I can not l lie….elephant butts!

I like big butts and I can not l lie….elephant butts!

I would like to close by talking about….elephant butts! OMG! Are they not the greatest butts ever? I LOVE all my elephant butt pictures. I can not wait to frame one of my photos and hang it in my travel office. There are so many places I want to go and see wildlife. My promise to the animal kingdom is to carefully enjoy their beauty without causing harm. #letsgo #storymakerstravel #yourbeststoriesbeginhere #wildlifesos #elephants #animaltourism

Sri Lanka-the Teardrop of India


Poetically named the “Tear drop of India”, Sri Lanka is its own country, often mistaken as a part of India, but actually sitting south and much smaller than it's northern brother. Also called the “Island of gems” and “Pearl of the East,” Sri Lanka is famous for the various exotic colored gemstones that can be found there, including the king of Sri Lankan precious stones, the blue sapphire. A country claiming to have more holidays than any other worldwide, due to the vast amount of religions cohabiting rather peacefully on the small island. It is actually considered a very safe country for travelers.

Have you ever thought of visiting Sri Lanka? I actually had because a friend of mine went years ago and loved it, however, it was not high on my bucket list. According to Lonely Planet, Sri Lanka has been named “the best country in the world to visit in 2019”. I believe it. It was so much more than I expected. The opportunity to join a group tour presented itself to me last year, and I am so glad we went.

One of the things I love about developing countries is that the juxtaposition between societal classes can be subtle or obvious. The areas we toured were primarily subtle. Villages dotted with upscale shops, street vendors, and tuk-tuks hustling to make a quick buck. But, underneath the grit and grime, the stray dogs slowly moving from the road when they hear the sounds of constant blasting horns, is a gem waiting to be discovered. A gem shining so brightly, calling out to its admirers, “Welcome to the beautiful Sri Lanka!” The people were smiling and kind everywhere we went! The landscape was breathtaking. Lush, green rolling hills; tea plantations and rice paddy terraces made for some amazing photo ops as well as good, long hikes. The train ride from Kandy to Ella was one of my favorite things ever! Incredibly scenic, some call it the most beautiful train ride in the world!


Hiking above the clouds is always fun….and not something I have done very often. I have to admit, it is surreal to see puffy, white mists floating below as I stared off into the horizon, wondering how deep those mountains are. Wondering why I am so blessed to experience such a beautiful culture. The food was new to me and my palate was more than pleased. It really was delicious! I can’t wait to research recipes and try to replicate it at home.


Kindred spirits who love nature, hiking, traveling, and cultures spend about 10 days together. Strangers when we started, friends when we departed. My husband was the only male tourist of the group, but had some male counterparts to bond with via our tour guides and drivers. He adapted rather well and I am proud of him. I was kind of worried because a big group of women, all ages, could be crazy fun, or just crazy. It was perfect! I love the age variances and hearing stories from other like-minded people. It also provided a sense of safety and bonding that I had not experienced before since I mostly solo traveled in the past. Not having to drive is the biggest bonus! I think I am over driving in other countries. As our tour guide said, “we have driving laws in the books, but no one follows them”. And he is not kidding! It can be so stressful and a tour company can take that stress on, so your vacation can be spent relaxed.

If you’ve never been to Asia, I highly recommend Sri Lanka. I have been to several countries in Asia and as usual, it is now “my favorite”. I love that part of the world! And don’t forget to visit the Yala National Park for a safari full of elephants and other gorgeous animals, living free!

#srilanka #letsgo #adventure #hiking #travel #explore #womenwhoexplore

Fear. The little devil inside us!

Fear gotcha?

Fear gotcha?

In honor of October, the month of ghosts and goblins, I thought I would write about something we can all relate to, especially the closer it gets towards Halloween. We purposely like to be scared. We create fearful situations and and we relish in the screams we gladly participate in as we run through a haunted house. Fear can be fun. The rush of adrenaline that surges through our bodies as we sit at the edge of the couch, watching a horror flick, makes us smile and cringe. The creaking noise a house makes when we are all alone, may not be as fun.

But, did you know that FEAR is the number one reason people from the United States are afraid to travel? Only 42% of us have passports, compared to other developed countries such as Canada with 66% and the UK (England and Wales) with 76%. I hear it all the time, “I will never leave the the USA”, said one of my patients from the New England area. I asked her why and she told me that she was afraid and that we have so much to see here. I agree that we are a beautiful country and we do have so much here, but I also love that there is so much to be explored outside of our comfort zone. To be honest, I am pretty fearless overseas. I have more fear going downtown locally, at night, than being in another country alone.

I will admit that I am a little nervous about going to New Delhi, India. What is creating this fear? It has to be because I am letting people and things I read, get in my head. I need to stop that. This is exactly why I don’t watch the news. I start having fear. I understand that it is important to be informed, but I scroll past any fear mongering on social media. Drives me crazy. I like to live with hope and love in my mind. I have common sense. And I research and prepare for adventures.

A recent survey analyzing google search trends, by the team at Your Local Security, indicated the top 5 travel fears are:

1. Safe food

2. Natural disaster

3. Getting sick

4. Language barrier

5. Assault

I can certainly understand the first one. I am not at all afraid to try foods from other cultures. I love it! It’s half the experience of traveling. But, I got so sick in Indonesia and China. And let me tell you, in Indonesia, the “toilet” was a hole-in-the-ground. I remember eating Tempeh that day. It’s fried, so I don’t think that was the culprit. I was on the floor for 2 days. It was awful. The same thing happened in China. I had no idea what I ate there, but it was after going to a restaurant that had a menu I did not understand. Of all the great things I did traveling in those places, it is 20 years later, and I can still remember that pain, and the saltiness of my sweat as I curled up in a ball until it passed. I really hope that never happens again.

I can’t compete with mother nature, so that is not a fear of mine. You never know what is going to happen, but you shouldn’t let it keep you from living. Obviously, avoid hurricane season, volcanos and any other natural disaster seasons that may be happening. In this case, I am all about watching the news. Safety first!

If you are afraid of getting sick, is is even more important to have travel insurance. Find out what your local insurance plan covers and if is is not enough, your travel insurance plan may be a better an option, especially if you are going international. If you have pre-existing conditions, talk to your travel agent because this does make a difference in plans.

No habla espanol? No problemo! There are so many apps out there that can help you navigate your way through another country. Will it make you fluent? Of course not! But, people appreciate it when you try. I have experienced nothing but kindness when I try. Duolingo is a good app to study with BEFORE you go on your trip. No one will make fun of you, and if they do, then they’re just bullies and bullies suck, so don’t let it get to you. Learn how to ask where the bathroom is, and never pass up an opportunity to use one. I learned that from the wise Erma Bombeck. I still know how to say “thank you” in Indonesian: terima kasih. Once in a blue moon, I will get a patient from Indonesia, and I always whip that out at the end of the appointment. They leave smiling.

Finally, if you are afraid of being assaulted, you should always be aware of your surroundings, but not afraid. Fear will overcome you and take away your light, Awareness will make you smarter and better prepared. Personally, I think everyone should take self defense classes, men, women and children. Know the laws of where you are going. If traveling internationally, a lot of countries will not allow you to bring pepper spray. Some countries will jail you for it. A quick google search will tell you what you need to know.

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While I get that fear is real, believe me, for over 20 years, before I discovered acupuncture, I lived in fear. I had constant panic attacks. I never do now. And for whatever reason, I rarely even get anxiety when I travel. I guess because it’s my happy place, I can truly relax. That is a good place to be. My hope is for anyone that is afraid to travel, short or long distance, please know that people are people. Ultimately, we ALL want love and peace. There are bad seeds everywhere, even in your own backyard. Don’t let fear deter you from exploring. It really hurts my heart that people are afraid. I wish everyone loved traveling as much as I do. And if you think you would love it but are afraid, reach out to me. I will be happy to talk to you, to comfort you and give you advice from personal experience. I want you to embrace the joys of travel. Take a deep breath, kick fear to the curb, and Let’s Go!

#letsgo #travel #travelfears #explore #travelagent #adventure

Utah.....almost perfect!

Into the canyon we go to find a waterfall. 

Into the canyon we go to find a waterfall. 

Utah the "beaUTAHful". That is my new term, cheesy as it may be. But, if you have had the pleasure of discovering Utah then you understand that there are no words to describe it's beauty so you have to make them up. From the skyscraping mountains in northern Utah to the massive red rocks in southern Utah, the beauty is surreal. I told my husband that I wish I was an owl so I could turn my head 270 degrees and see everything because I didn't want to miss any of it.  Plus, owls are cool, and I am a Chi Omega, owls are our mascot, so it only makes sense. 

About a month ago, we went to southern Utah with a group of mostly new friends. We hiked the Capitol Reef/Cathedral Valley National Park and Kodachrome Basin State Park. I was blown away! It reminded me of Sedona...on steroids. Massive red rocks with hues of cream, purple and gold. The canyons seemed to go on forever and of course the crazy arch we sat on gave me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I absolutely loved it! I had never seen rock formations like the ones in Cathedral Valley.  How did they get shaped that way? I am sure it has to do with wind, rain and general weather elements. 

Cathedral Valley

Cathedral Valley

If you like to hike, then this is the place to go. There was no one out there but our group and one other car. For a few minutes I was worried that if we ran out of gas, we were in trouble. But, we made it out just fine, enlightened and changed for the better. How can anyone see this magnificent area and not be changed? It is really eye opening as to the beauty this country has. I had no idea. I still haven't been to the really popular parks, such as Bryce Canyon or Zion, but I will get there, hopefully next year. 


The  northern green mountains with layered hues of white and tan, were a stark contrast to southern Utah. I imagine it is what Switzerland looks like, but on a smaller scale. The area around Sundance was ridiculously beautiful! I had to explain to fellow hikers that I must stop and take pictures every few minutes because we don't have that kind of green in the Phoenix valley. Nor, do we have the Aspen trees. 

We were really fortunate because the wildflowers were blooming and fields of yellow daisies and purple blooms stretched for miles as we were driving.  It felt like Spring was in the air. We got to spend six days there and thoroughly enjoyed mountain biking and hiking to waterfalls. 

You can't go to Utah without taking a trip to the Great Salt Lake. It is...well, it is a lake. Nothing to write home about if you are just looking at it, but if you watch the educational video in the tourist shop, it is quite amazing. So amazing that whales once lived there! And of course there are legends of water monsters. All great lakes must have water monsters! I love monsters. 

You may be wondering why I say Utah is "almost perfect". It is more beautiful than Sedona, a mini Switzerland, has the saltiest lake on earth, one of the world's greatest dinosaur museums and the friendliest people. What on earth could it be missing? There is only one thing that I think would make this state 100% perfect: the almighty saguaro cactus. Utah is my new favorite state. I am so glad we live within driving distance. If you do not, I strongly encourage you to get on a plane, pack some hiking shoes, and discover Utah, the "beaUTAHful". Let's go!


#utah #travel #hike #explore #capitolreef #cathedralvalley

Road Tripping--5 must do's for a successful ride!

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I love road trips! Just knowing I am about to hit the road creates an amazing adrenaline rush in me. I get emotional: anxiety that I will forget something, and I always do. Ironically, it's my toothbrush. Every darn time. For those who do not know me, I am also a registered dental hygienist, and that is the irony. Anticipation floods my brain: What will we do? What will we see? Who will we meet? What will we eat? The questions keep me up at night, but it's the kind of insomnia I crave. And finally, excitement that I am seeing something new (most likely). My five senses will be in overdrive the whole trip...and I love it! 

As a child, road trips were fun because we got to sit in the back of the car on the rear window dash (does it have an actual name?),  or in the back of the truck. That pastime is now illegal and completely frowned upon for obvious reasons, but as kids, it was heaven, until the parents pulled over to line us up on the side of the road and give us spanking with the belt. I don't have kids, but I've read that can get parents in trouble these days too. 

So how do you make your road trip fun, memorable and less stressful? As my husband and I were driving to Utah yesterday, for our second UT trip this month (this time the northern part), we realize that we have so much fun in the car. We even drove all the way from Ga to AZ over the course of 4 days, in a huge Ryder moving truck, that we lovingly named "Nightmare", WITHOUT a radio or any music whatsoever (everything was broken or packed and we didn't realize it until it was time to head west), and 2 elderly cats that could not tell us when they needed to pee, and I promise, we did not have one argument. How is that possible? We have fun!

I came up with a list of 5 things we do. These can be done with people you barely know in the car, people you know well, and even people you wish you didn't know well. 

Rusty the dinosaur

Rusty the dinosaur

1.  Enjoy the journey. Stop and take pictures. It may seem insignificant at the time, but what if you never get a chance to get to that place again? You will wish you had pictures. For example, we love dinosaurs. We stopped twice when we saw dinosaurs, just to take photos! We plan on buying one of these and we already think we have a name (to be shared when we get him...we have to get to know him after all). 

Green Giant the dinosaur

Green Giant the dinosaur

2.  Never eat at chain restaurants. Try the food from the local areas. Support a small business, or better yet, bring your own snacks and save money. We always bring a cooler full of food that can easily be eaten without making a mess. 

3.  Put your phone down and play games. I have learned that UT does not have good cell reception. Playing games is fun and we get to know each other better. We played one game where we had to go through the alphabet and identify an object that started with that letter. I kid you not, we got all the way to "Z" and about 20 minutes later we passed through a teeny-tiny town that had a zebra statue in someone's yard. We laughed and laughed at that because what are the odds of that happening? Apparently, pretty good! What are your favorite road games?

4.  Once you arrive at your destination, I highly recommend you ride bikes. We bring ours with us on most trips. We have taken them to Florida several times, South Carolina, Savannah, GA, and now Utah. What a fantastic way to see the town and neighborhoods you would otherwise probably not see. And don't forget your fanny pack!

5. Finally, find a way to learn about the town history. Go to the Chamber of Commerce and see if they have any tours available. I have learned so much about places, that I had no idea ever happened there.  I hated history as a teenager, but I love it now. 

Park City, Utah

Park City, Utah

The USA is beautiful. I actually have not explored that much of it, but I love it all and appreciate how huge it is. I've mostly been to many places in the southeast and southwest, with a few random cities in between (Chicago and Boston being my favorite), but it is my goal to see every state. How many have you been to?

Summer is not over yet, so pack your bags, load up that car with a group full of friends and family, and hit the road. Make good memories, share them with me on social media, and have fun! I hope my tips for a good road trip help you when you travel and if you live somewhere I have not been to, don't be surprised if I show up and ask you to explore with me. Let's go!

#travel #explore #storymakerstravel #letsgo #utah #roadtrip #travelagentlife